Tuesday, January 22, 2008

From the Civil War to Iraq/Afghanistan: When will we provide for our military veterans?

If you have been following the Tri for Our Veterans race blog, you know that all of the proceeds will be split between Sea Isle City's VFW Post 1963 and The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. It is really important to keep our veterans in your thoughts and prayers as they continue to serve in the Middle East (we are approaching the 5 year anniversary of the Iraq War-- almost 4,000 US soldiers killed in action). Just this week, an important article was published, detailing the trauma these soldiers bring home with them from the front. Click HERE to read about it. Basically, it chronicles how our veterans struggle to re-enter American society after being on the front lines. After ducking bullets and dodging IEDs, they come home to a country tracking the latest drama with Brittany Spears. Our vets face a myriad of obstacles in the transition from the war front to the home front. Homelessness, for one, is a rampant problem for our returning soldiers and has been in every conflict since the Civil War. In 2006, our government counted 336,000 veterans as homeless, which is simply heartbreaking.

The aforementioned article will give you a better insight to the problems facing our returning men & women in uniform, but the one quote that caught my attention, "War changes people", reminded me of when I was a kid and my Dad would introduce me to certain Vietnam Veterans-- he would sometimes comment how different that his friend was before Vietnam. It is very sad to see the same problems occur, 30 years later.

Thankfully, great organizations are helping our returning soldiers and you can too. The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund is one of those wonderful organizations. The Semper Fi Fund has done a phenomenal job of raising lots of money (almost $17 million since May, 2004), while keeping expenses, like salaries, very low. For each dollar raised by the fund, 95 percent of that revenue is distributed to our veterans and their families.

When you are debating to do this race, think about how your efforts will go to help our veterans. Since this country's inception, they have protected and fought for our freedom and we owe them.

Click here & Sign up for the race-- we will sell out!

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