No, this is not a picture of the start of the race!! Sea Isle's Polar Bear Plunge last week was amazing. There were so many people lined up on the Promenade and countless more in the water. We had a table and handed out information about the race. "The Swim" usually dominated the conversations, so I thought I would take some time and discuss it on the race blog.
First, the water will not be as warm as August-- pure and simple. However, it will be warmer than the Plunge. The anticipated temperature is 63-65 degrees and wetsuits are encouraged. Click HERE to visit our sponsor, XTERRA, for rentals. Now, keep in mind, this is a very short swim (400 meters) and most people will be out of the water within 15 minutes. In fact, the average time in the water for triathlons in Wildwood and Avalon was roughly 14 minutes. The winner of Avalon completed the swim in 7:53 minutes and the slowest time on record was 19:06. Plus, most competitors will run into and out of the water-- so there goes 100 meters. Last thought-- 10-15 minutes in 65 degree water or a year long tour of Baghdad. Hmmm...
Secondly, we are taking a number of safety precautions. Sea Isle's Police Department is in charge of the Beach Patrol and we are working with them to secure plenty of lifeguards for the race. We expect to have a team of guards in the water, on surf boards, in kayaks, and in rowboats. The City is also closely coordinating with the State Police Marine Patrol and the Coast Guard. We will have plenty of protection for our racers. If ocean conditions imperil our athletes in any way (i.e. rough surf, weather), we will yield to the Beach Patrol for a decision to cancel the swim and replace it with a 2 mile run.
Finally, the course is very simple and will not take you far off of the beach. We will start in a runners' stance and athletes will run into the surf and swim out 100 meters to a posted buoy/flag. Racers will then make the turn around the flag and swim with the current to the next flag, 200 meters away. The last segment is to swim 100 meters to the beach. This is a fairly easy swim and with a little training, you can easily complete it.
Personally, the first time I competed in a race (Avalon), I was terrified of the swim and did not practice AT ALL. Half way through, I switched from freestyle to breaststroke and completed in 10 minutes. I would not suggest this regimen, but my point is-- YOU CAN DO IT!
I will give segment updates like this for the bicycle and run portions in a few weeks. Check the registration page on Piranha by clicking HERE to check out the race maps.
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