Monday, June 30, 2008

Avalon Islandman 2008

Yesterday was the tri in Avalon. This was the first triathlon I ever competed in and I really, really like the race. When I first started to put Tri for Our Veterans together, I often thought about Avalon and how it was shaped, organized, and directed. Their race director, Midge, does a wonderful job and she continued her great work yesterday.

The race was a lot of fun and it too donates a significant amount of money to various organizations and charities. The course is very nice-- especially the bike, which I consider the best in South Jersey. The swim yesterday was brutal-- the water temperature was fine, but boy was it rough. I was smacked in the face with a monster wave and it threw me right on omy back. Just goes to show you-- you cannot control Mother Nature. Tri for Our Veterans had colder water, but it was smooth as silk out there. I think I would rather have a cold, but calm ocean!

Iron Granny (my mom) completed her 2nd Tri-- and she broke two hours! Awesome race, Iron Granny!

Check out the results by clicking HERE.

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