Monday, May 18, 2009

Wanna Race? Get your motor running...

See you at the starting line? I wouldn't mess with this runner, she looks fast and furious. Plus, she has two older sisters, so you know she is tough.
I was with the Sea Isle City Beach Patrol (SICBP) yesterday and set up the swim course. We went out on a jet ski, dropped the weights, then measured them with my GPS for accuracy. After moving them 2-3 times, we got them in place. On the way back to the Guard shack, I asked Lt. Chuck if I could swim back. I jumped in and swam about 150m to shore. The water was not bad at all. The readings were 61 degrees. Get your race caps on!
The transition area is BEAUTIFUL! The City recently cleaned the entire lot, dumped a ton of topsoil, and laid down sod. They really did a nice job. Racers should love it because running through this beautiful grass will knock a lot of sand off of those feet. The new set up does add some work for me because the City removed the wooden fence that surrounded the lot. For security purposes, I have to add a orange flex fence around the entire perimeter. That is OK-- we'll survive!
Saturday's weather is calling for a warm day, 74 degrees, with a passing shower. Bring plenty of water or Gatorade! It seems as if the "scattered" showers will come later in the day, so we should be OK. The race will be wrapped up by 11am (including awards) and we can head home for an afternoon nap at the shore-- I will need it!
Lastly, Mike's Seafood is helping us with a seafood pasta lunch after the race. Join all of your fellow competitors back at The VFW Post for a great meal (and a few cold ones!).
See you in Sea Isle...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Flew over the course yesterday. The transition area looks beautiful from a helicopter 300 feet up! A nice patch of lush green.