Friday, June 4, 2010
Happy Birthday......
I wish he were here to celebrate and laugh with............we miss and love you, Matt - and we will make sure that your birthday is still celebrated and remembered.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Still making a difference....
As I told you on Thursday, while putting up the fence; I believe some good HAS to come out of this.
We saw the good; we saw it Thursday, Friday, and especially on Saturday. We saw it while stuffing packets; you saw it while stuffing envelopes.
We saw it at registration; we saw it through all of our volunteers.
We all saw it on race day, the smiles, the people who came from near and far, people who rearranged their schedules and enjoyed helping.
More importantly we felt it, we felt the love, we felt the love people had for Matt, we felt the love for our Veterans, we felt the love of our Family and Friends and we felt the love, energy and spirit of Matt.
He was looking down and beaming with pride; as I was, I think it’s the only day I haven’t cried.
As tragic as this is, we all have become stronger, better and more grateful people because of this.
We are grateful we have you, Patti, the girls and all your Family and Friends.
I think this pretty much sums it up. Although I would do anything to have my brother back, he has made a difference while here on earth, and continues to do so from above.
I love you, buddy..........
Monday, May 31, 2010
Thank you..........
I want to thank the city of Sea Isle, Piranha Sports, all of our sponsors - and especially all of our family and friends who have been such a huge help and a great source of encouragement and support.
When I took this challenge on in January, I knew nothing - I didn't even know where to begin. To learn how to coordinate an event like this is not easy, and I have no idea how Matt did it. I have a new found appreciation for all of the work he did.
Matt did not leave behind much information on how he developed and ran this event (I think he kept it in his thick head!) I am not exactly an athlete, and had absolutely no experience with triathlons. The challenge was a very daunting one, but I knew I had to take it on, as TRI For Our Veterans was something Matt was extremely proud of, and it meant a great deal to him. He was so passionate and dedicated, and there was no way I could have let him, or the cause down.
There were a few bumps along the way, especially for a first time race director, and I would never have been able to organize or direct this event without these very special people:
1. Neil Semmel (Piranha Sports). I had never met Neil until after Matt passed away. After our first meeting, he made me feel so comfortable. He is an incredible teacher, has dedicated so much of his free time to helping me, giving me advice and guidance, and being my "go to guy" for pretty much everything! Neil, you are wonderful and a simple "thank you" is not enough.
2. The city of Sea Isle. The Mayor's Office, Police Dept., Recreation Dept. Dept of Public Works, the Beach Patrol - I cannot begin to tell you how incredibly NICE these people are. They have done so much, are so generous with their time, and great to work with. Vicki, Pattiann, Mike, John, and Renny - you are why Sea Isle is the great city that it truly is - THANK YOU!!
3. The Lynn Family......Uncle Buck is my right hand man. Although he tells way too many stories and bad jokes (which only he laughs at) he has been a huge help - attending all meetings, gaining new sponsors, and devoting much of his free time to the planning of this TRI. Aunt Patti – the greatest volunteer coordinator on earth! Organized should have been her middle name. Amy, Reenie, BJ, Doc and Melissa – thank you for all of your help and support, “Miles for Matt” was in full effect! Mikey and Zach – you are hired next year! By far the funniest and most entertaining finish line announcers out there, I am still laughing at some of the comments!
4. The Fordham Boys……Matt would have been proud! You were all on time, sober, and a HUGE help. I truly hope that you will come into town each year, we don’t get to see you enough!
5. Team Microsoft – quite possibly my 2 favorite people of the weekend! Rob and Fitz, thank you for traveling so far, keeping Matt’s memory alive, and talking with my mom. I enjoyed your company – and can’t wait to see those pictures!
6. Our generous sponsors….we raised over 40k for the Injured Marines Semper Fi Foundation and VFW Post 1963! It is incredible, and will make a difference in so many lives.
7. Team Semper Fi – did you see these guys??? Unbelievable. Not only are they extremely talented, they are extremely NICE on top of it all! It was an honor and privilege to meet them, and I look forward to seeing them all next year!
8. My mom and dad……As you can imagine, it has been a tough 4 months for them. Matt was their first born, they were so proud of all of his accomplishments, and there is not a second that goes by when they do not miss him and his huge smile. Through their grief, they have been a huge support and confidence booster for me. Even when I was stressed to the max, they believed in me. Love you guys!
9. My husband……Brett took on A LOT these past few months as I have been adjusting to life without my brother and best friend. There were many days/nights when we didn’t even see each other, as I devoted much of my time to this race. We have 2 little ones (1.5 and almost 3) and he has really stepped up to the plate! Thank you and love you too!
10. To all of our friends, family, and even strangers…….! Your dedication, cooperation, generosity, kind words, and support is what makes this event what it is. I am completely taken aback by the feeling of community that I have experienced over the past few months. Many of you stopped to share stories of Matt with our family - you have no idea how much this means to us. His name is spoken in our homes everyday, and we feel blessed that he is still remembered by so many of you.
I met some of the greatest people this weekend – many of whom said that TRI For Our Vets is their favorite race of the year. I hope it continues to be so for many years to come!
As I looked out over the crowd on Saturday, I saw nothing but smiles. That, along with knowing that our appreciation for our military is the basis of why we come together each year, is worth more to me than you will ever know.
Thank you for another great year and Happy Memorial Day!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
One Week To Go..............
Athlete Guides should be sent out on Monday to everyone who has registered. In it you will find some changes (the registration site has not been updated as of yet.)
Here are a few highlights.......
1. Packet Pick-up is on Friday the 28th at the VFW (JFK Blvd in Sea Isle City) 4:30 - 8:30 pm. You MUST have valid ID to receive your packet. You CANNOT pick up a packet for another person. Body marking will also be completed at the VFW. New to TRI's?? There is a First Timer's Meeting at 7 where all of your questions and concerns will be answered.
2. You can also pick up your packets the morning of the race between 5 and 6:30 am. There is NO WAIT LIST or SPOTS AVAILABLE!
3. There is a MANDATORY pre-race meeting in the Transition Area at 6:40 am. THE RACE STARTS AT 7 AM THIS YEAR!
The swim remains the same.
The Bike Course will now be 8.3 miles, as opposed to 12.3 miles (I'm sure you are all very upset by this!) Landis Ave was completely under construction this Spring and the completion date was originally set for June.
You will now exit the Transition area, make a RIGHT onto Pleasure Ave., a LEFT onto 39th, and a RIGHT onto Landis Ave. Proceed North towards Strathmere until the turn around point. The bike return will head South on Landis Ave, make a LEFT onto 40th, and into the Transition area.
The run portion has also changed, due to high tide. This will not be a beach run, as it has been in the past. You will now exit the Transition area onto the Promenade. Run South on the Promenade to 57th, exit Promenade, make a LEFT onto Pleasure Ave, run South to 69th (this is the turn around point, water/HEED station.) Then proceed back North, the same route.
The Finish Line will be on the North side of the Pavilion on the Promenade.
If you have done this race in the past,I know it sounds like alot of changes; but I think you will agree that this route is simpler and much safer.
I mentioned in a previous post that, this year the shirts will be yellow. Well, wouldn't you know it.......... the company decided to discontinue the color, and keep that little tid bit to themselves!
Just another bump in the road, and at the end of the day, not a big deal. Let's remember what this TRI is all about - when considering all of our service men and women - the color of a shirt is a pathetic thing to get upset about. So grey it is for the shirts....... (but who doesn't love a grey shirt, right?)
Wish me luck..............tomorrow I will be on a jet ski setting the flags for the swim! (I wish I looked this good in a wet suit, though! I miss and love you, MBM!)

Sunday, May 2, 2010
When I first took on this new position of Race Director, I think there were just under 100 people registered. I will admit it - I was discouraged, afraid, nervous, and anxious over the idea of not having the race sell-out, as it has the past 2 years. I didn't want to let Matt, The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund, or the City of Sea Isle down. The pressure was definitly on.
I have had so much help and support from so many incredible people - and we are not finished yet! There is still alot of preparation to do, but I am now even more confident that this year will be a success as well.
I appreciate all of your efforts more than you will ever know.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
13 Spots Available!
The past 2 years, we have given Polar Water Bottles, (along with a long-sleeve t-shirt), out as give aways. Polar Bottles are awesome, but we thought we would switch it up this year!
Each participant will receive a long sleeve (yellow) t-shirt - in addition to a pair of these......
With Lock Laces, you never have to stop to retie your laces during any race, sport or activity.
Look for them inside your race packet this year!!!
Monday, April 26, 2010
33 Days and Counting...........
Thank you to all of you who have registered to race or volunteer, and a very special THANK YOU to our sponsors and families who have donated! The amount of support we have received is amazing.
I have mentioned in my last post that the course will change a bit - these changes are still in effect, and have even been altered a bit more (confused, yet?).
Swim course will stay the same. When leaving the transition area, racers will head North on Pleasure Ave, turn Left on 39th St, and then a Right onto Landis Ave - heading North into Stathmere.
The bike route will now be 1 Loop. Upon turn-around, racers will head back South on Landis, making a Left onto JFK, and back into the transition area. The bike route will now total 8 miles, as opposed to 12.
After leaving the transition area, participants will enter the promenade and run South to 58th St, exit the promenade, run North on Pleasure Ave, and then back onto the promenade. The finish line will be on the North side of the Pavillion on the promenade at JFK Blvd.
Refreshments will be off the promenade, on JFK Blvd. for all race participants. The Award Ceremony will be held on the promenade as well.
I will be updating the prizes and give-aways soon, so stay tuned!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Times, They are A-Changin'!
Landis Ave (the main road in Sea Isle) is under construction, and it is not looking like it will be completed in time for race day. We have a few alternatives in the works - the most likely route will be to exit the original transition area, make a right onto JFK Blvd, a right onto Landis Ave, and head North into Strathmere, making 2 loops, and then heading back to the transition area.
Another issue that we are "running into" is high tide. The peak of high tide will come in the middle of the "beach run" to finish the race. Due to the fact that there will be little beach to run on, softer sand that will cause more injuries - the "beach run" will now take place on the promenade and Pleasure Ave (the road closest to the beach.) The finish line will be on the promenade this year.
The city of Sea Isle has been wonderful in working with us to ensure that every aspect of the race is taken care of. We want this year to be just as much (or even more!) of a success as it has been in the past.
Thank you to everyone who has signed up thus far. As of today, there are only 93 spots available - I am looking forward to another sell-out!!!
Again, thank you to all of our sponsors. We could not do this without your support!
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
What Are You Waiting For??????
Sign up before midnite tomorrow and save a few bucks!
Monday, March 29, 2010
One Foot in Front of the Other.....
As I'm sure most of you are aware, this blog (well the blog formerly known as was created by Matt McCulley.
Matt suddenly passed away on January 12th. He was a loving husband, father of 3 beautiful girls, a beloved son, brother, and friend. TRI FOR OUR VETERANS was extremely important to him, and it is our family's wish that his vision be carried on.
I am Matt's sister, and I hope to be able to continue what Matt support our military veterans. I am now the race director for this year, and the TRI is scheduled for May 29, 2010.
I won't promise to be as insightful, thorough, or as funny as my brother was - but I am willing to give it a go! I will not have the answers to everything, as I have never competed in a triathlon in my life! I do, however, have many people who are helping me learn the ropes and guiding me through this new journey. I want to especially thank Neil Semmel from Piranha Sports, Shannon McGroagan from GO! Athletics, Chuck Brodsky from the Nation's Triathlon, as well as, my family and friends. Since Matt's passing, the amount of support we have received has been overwhelming. Thank you does not seem to be enough.
Matt was very special to me, and I miss him more as each second goes by. His drive, commitment, and determination to help The Injured Marines Semper Fi Fund, Sea Isle's VFW Post 1963, and all military veterans was can help to continue his passion by signing up here!
Thank you!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Tri For Our Veterans III: Saturday, May 29, 2010

Monday, October 19, 2009
2010 Registration coming very soon
Stay Tuned!
Monday, July 13, 2009
Thank you Racers!
See you soon and thank you for all of your help. Through racing, you have helped our brave men and women of the US Armer Forces.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
This is why I prefer ocean swim triathlons!
Filed at 4:12 p.m. ET
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) -- Health officials are blaming bacteria and parasites in the Oklahoma River for sickening dozens of international triathlon participants last month.
The Oklahoma Department of Health said Wednesday that river contamination caused gastrointestinal problems for at least 45 participants in the Boathouse International Triathlon in Oklahoma City.
The department says a few athletes tested positive for different illnesses, including norovirus and bacteria that could be ''associated with exposure to water contaminated with human or animal waste.''
Athletes practiced in the downtown river and swam 1.5 kilometers as part of the triathlon. Some participants later reported diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal cramping and fever.
The river has tested high for bacteria, particularly after high runoff from storms. The triathlon was held May 16-17 after a heavy rain.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Just woke up-- so how did we do?
So Racers-- what did you think of the race? Please leave comments so we can make adjustments for next year.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Went for a Swim
I also visited the transition area today-- it is beautiful! The sod has been down for a week and it feels great to run on.
Race day is near and we are looking great.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Wanna Race? Get your motor running...
Saturday, May 16, 2009
Live report from Sea Isle
Heading to Sea Isle tomorrow and will do some swimming-- need to set the weights for the swim course with SIC Beach Patrol. I will have a wetsuit on and will post an update tomorrow night or Monday morning.
The weather on Saturday, May 23rd is coming into focus. It seems as if we will have a cloudy day with temperatures in the low 70s. One forecast (Accu-weather) is saying occassional showers. Keep those fingers crossed!
More information to follow after my day trip to Sea Isle.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Reason to Race #212
It was an honor, in some small way, to support both the VFW and The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. As I was exiting the swim, I saw a guy really struggling as he crawled to the shoreline. I though, "Boy, this guy is in trouble". He was floundering toward what appeared to be his family and they had a great look of concern on their faces. Suddenly, a woman handed him his prosthetic leg and he snatched it and moved towards the transition area.
If I needed any additional motivation to get moving, that was certainly it-- what a champion that guy is!
Lord willing, I'll be back next year. If it requires competing in the pouring rain or swimming in 40 degree water, so be it. Any discomfort the icy Atlantic can dole out is a small price to pay when compared to the sacrifices of the men and women in our Armed Services"!
Well said. For the record-- we'll have a warm ocean in 2009! The temperature hit 56 degrees today and we have 10 days for it to jump into the 60s.
See you in Sea Isle City!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Important Race News…12 days to go!
Sea Isle City is ready to host Tri for Our Veterans II. The weather forecast is promising and we expect another great race. We will have more than 500 racers competing on Saturday, May 23rd and look forward to sun, sand, and a sensational start to the summer.
A few items to mark down as you prepare for the race:
Packet pick up: You must bring a photo ID & your USAT ID card (if you are a member). Racers must pick up their packet and cannot have someone else pick it up for them (insurance purposes). Packet pick up on Friday, May 22nd is from 4:00 PM to 8:30 PM at the VFW Post in Sea Isle (301 JFK BLVD). Packet pick up on Saturday (RACE DAY) is at the transition area, JFK and Pleasure Ave., 5:30 AM to 7:00 AM.
Race course videos: Click the following link to watch a series of videos. Each video gives a walking tour of the course. This should be very helpful to those wanting to get a preview of the course.
Athletes' Guide: Please be sure to download/print the Athletes' Guide to the race. This gives you all of the information you need.
Ride the course on Friday: Take a one lap tour of the bike course with one of our Elite athletes. Meet at the transition area at 5:30 PM on Friday, May 22nd. The distance is only 4.1 miles and will last about 15-20 minutes. It is a light ride for informational purposes only.
Water Temperature and Wetsuits: Got your attention, right? The water temperature will be roughly 60-62 degrees. The average time in the water last year was 11 minutes. We have many Sea Isle City lifeguards in the water and around the swim course in boats. The USCG will also be on hand as back up. It is strongly suggested that you have a wetsuit. Don't have one? Our sponsor, Xterra Wetsuits, rents them and can ship it out to you via Fedex. Check it out at
Have fun & thank our military! This triathlon is the USA's only race dedicated to our military personnel and veterans. More than 15% of the field is currently serving in uniform, have served in the armed forces, or have retired from the military. Please be sure to support them throughout the race—they will have the BLUE caps on for the swim. Our friends at Team Semper Fi get a thunderous "OORAH" from Sea Isle—check them out at
See you soon in Sea Isle City!
Matt McCulley
Race Director
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Initial Weather Report
As for the water temperature, it is hitting 55 degrees. With warm weather here to stay, it can jump a degree per day and I suspect we will have 60-63 degree water temperature.
Other race news:
*Transition Area: Racers will find a different transition area in Sea Isle this year-- The City has sodded the entire lot.
*USCG on hand: The Coast Guard will have a team in the race (Go Team Semper Paratus!) and have helped coordinate back up to our SIC Beach Patrol. The USCG will have a boat near the race course and a helicopter overhead.d
*Finish line experience: At the finish this year, we will have children handing out American flags right before the finish line to celebrate Memorial Day. If you would like your children to participate, have them report to the finish line area at the start of the race.
14 days to go!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Want to better understand the race course?
1. Click HERE to view the videos of each and every segment of the race course. Get a bird's eye view of the transition area (entrances/exits), bike course, swim and run courses. All have audio commentary from me. (I'm no Larry Mendte!)
2. Download the Athletes' Guide by clicking HERE. The Guide has all the maps and instructions you need to compete.
3. First Timers Meeting: At 7pm on Friday, May 22, 2009, we will host a first timers' meeting at the VFW Post in Sea Isle. The meeting is in the same room as check-in. One of our elite competitors, Mark Brace, will lead the session and walk everyone through the course, transition area, and other related triathlon topics. Mark will also do his best to answer all of your questions in a Q&A session at the end of the meeting. Make time to get to this meeting!
The Tri for Our Veterans course is a very easy course to understand. The swim is a simple out/over/in design, the bike route is a 3 loop course of a rectangle, and the run is an out and back race on the beach.
Last year, our inaugural race, only one racer got lost out of 400 competitors! He was in the Air Force and the US Marines who competed said he did not have his RADAR tuned properly!
If this is your first triathlon-- have no fear, you will complete it and have a blast. If you are a racing veteran, then you should recognize the fact that this course is fast, flat, and fabulous.
See you in Sea Isle-- 18 days to go...
Friday, May 1, 2009
Athletes' Guide is posted; other news
Tri for Our Veterans has posted the Athletes' Guide. Download the PDF document by clicking HERE. The Athletes' Guide details the entire race and includes race maps, schedule, packet pick up information, and other pertinent information for you.
My advice-- open, print it, and keep it handy as the race is quickly approaching.
Other news:
1. Go WAWA! Thank you so much to Team Wawa. Their South Jersey Team was so very helpful to our race efforts. Wawa has sponsored the Finish Line drinks-- there will be ice cold Wawa juices awaiting you at the end of the race. Thank you Wawa!~
2. Giveaways: Polar insulated water bottles and long sleeve t-shirts.
3. Prize Packages: Winners will receive prize packs, filled with Oakley Sunglasses, Xterra Wetsuits, Xterra Transition bags, Hammer Nutrition items, beach towels, and 2010 Tri for Our Veterans comp'ed registrations (prizes vary).
4. Need a place to stay for the race? Rent a house by contacting Kevin Gillespie. Check him out at
5. We are SOLD OUT folks, no waiting lists, no possiblilty of openings.
See you soon in Sea Isle!
Monday, April 27, 2009
Special Offer and yes, we are SOLD OUT
Also, we are SOLD OUT folks-- there are no spots left in any of the races (Duathlon, Triathlon, Relay). Sorry, but we have been forecasting a sell out since early March.
Finally-- have questions about the race course? Make sure you take a look at the videos posted HERE.
"Sea" you in Sea Isle...only 26 days left!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Interactive Race Maps
Video #1, Swim Start and Transition Area overview
Video #2, Bicycle Course, Part A, Overview
Video #3, Bicycle Course, Loop 2, Loop 3, and Finish
Video #4, Run Course Overview
Video #5, Duathlon Overview
These videos are not generic maps-- they are real overhead shots of the course brought to you by Microsoft's Virtual Earth technology.
Click HERE to gain access to the videos.
Race sells out; Team Semper Fi storms the beach in Sea Isle
In other news, Team Semper Fi is again competing in the Sea Isle triathlon. Click HERE to learn more about their efforts and their schedule of events.
You can also watch a video interview of one of their members, Dan Lasko, by clicking HERE and HERE Dan competed in the inaugural Tri for our Veterans and was a driving force in getting Team Semper Fi to the beaches of Sea Isle. He also kicked butt at last year's Philadelphia Triathlon (look for his Philly Tri finisher medal in the video).
Lastly, we will be sending out the Athletes' Guide in a few days-- keep an eye out for the notice in your inbox.
See you in Sea Isle...just 29 more days...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Softmart signs on has Gold Sponsor

Very exciting news: Softmart has signed on as a Gold Sponsor for Tri for Our Veterans!
Softmart is located in Downingtown, PA. They are a global provider of all things IT-- services, software, hardware, you name it, and they've got it! Last year, Softmart was kind enough to donated a number of items as prizes for our winning racers. They liked what was happening in Sea Isle and decided to sign on as a Gold Sponsor. Speaking of GOLD...Softmart is a Gold Certified Partner of Microsoft, which means they have demonstrated years of quality service and support to Microsoft's products and programs.
One of Softmart's largest customers is the US Military-- so the sponsorship really makes a lot of sense for them-- supporting those who served and continue to serve our great country!
- We are just about to close registration. We have hit our maximum and await a few registrations from Team Semper Fi. If you know of anyone who wants to get it, they will need to register by Friday, May 1st, when we plan on closing the registration process.
- There will be no onsite registration.
- Racer Information Packet: This will be posted on Piranha's website in about two weeks. We will blast out an email to the registered racers when it is available.
- Giveaways: This year we have two awesome giveaways for our racers-- a long sleeve, high quality t-shirt (Carolina blue), and Polar Bear insulated water bottles (24 oz, red & blue).
- Volunteers? Interested in helping out our cause? email me at
- First time doing a triathlon? No worries, we have you covered. An experienced triathlete will be hosting a 1st timers meeting on Friday, May 22nd (time TBD) at the registration site.
See you soon in Sea Isle City!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Less than 100 spots left; Treats for Troops
Less than 100 spots left for Sea Isle's Triathlon! Please spread the word-- we will sell out in the next two weeks.
On another note, I am very pleased to announce a partnership with Treats for Troops. This organization collects various goods and ships them out to our troops in the field. The list is provided by our military and it is put to very, very good use. At our registration area, we will have a table set up for people who would like to donate the requested items. After the race, we will pack up the goods, deliver them to their Partner Representative in Ocean City, who will then have them shipped out to our troops in the field. Want to make a difference? Here is how-- bring these goods to the race:
baby wipes
bar soap
body lotion
Campbell's Chunky Chili
Campbell's Chunky Soup
candy bars
cereal bars
Chef boy r dee raviolis
chess set
chewing gum
chicken salad -lunch to go
coffee creamer
coffee sweetner
coloring books
cup of noodles
dental floss
devil dogs
Dinty Moore beefstew
disposable camera
ear plugs
eye drops
foot powder
fruit cocktail
granola bars
hard candy
hot sauce
insect repellent
jigsaw puzzle
lip balm
macaroni and cheese
manicure sets
microwave meal
microwave popcorn
music cds
peanut butter
peanut butter crackers
playing cards
poker chips
powdered drink mix -individual servings
powdered Gatorade
power bars
puzzle books
ramon noodles
Religious Medals
rice krispie treats
salt and pepper
shaving cream
silly string
slim Jims
soap dish
toilet paper
toothbrush holder
tootsie pops
toys and games
trail mix
travel fist aid kit
tuna fish in a pouch & Mayo
tuna salad kits -lunch to go
Uncle Ben's microwave rice meals
Vienna sausage
waterless hand sanitizer
white socks
writing tablets
People always ask me-- "How can I help?"--- let me count the ways-- you can race in the triathlon, donate goods to Treats for Troops, volunteer at the Race or simply make a donation.
Keep the Memorial in Memorial Day weekend! See you in 67 days!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
XTERRA Wetsuits sponsors Tri for Our Veterans

XTERRA is also our preferred wetsuit rental partner. As you know, the water temperature will be about 62-64 degrees for the race in Sea Isle and wetsuits are strongly encouraged. Though it is a short swim (400 meters), most athletes will want a wetsuit for buoyancy and warmth. Don't have one? No problem-- XTERRA provides an inexpensive and easy solution-- rent one for the week by visiting their rental shop-- CLICK HERE for more information. Rent it for this race or the Avalon triathlon and others (Stone Harbor Triathlon)
I race wearing an XTERRA suit-- the Vector Pro. I love it-- feels like I am gliding through the water and it is very easy to take off during transitions.
70 days until we hit the water-- you ready?
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Race hits 80% of capacity
80 days to go before Memorial Day Weekend kicks off and Tri for Our Veterans II launches. With 80 days to go, we just reached 80% capacity for the race-- what a coincidence! We have over 300 racers signed up and more going into the system tonight (Team Semper Fi). Last year, we capped our race at 400 and we expect the same limits from the city.
If you know of someone interested, or, if you have not signed up for Sea Isle's Summer triathlon, do so now by visiting
We will sell out and we will NOT offer any type of registration during race week.
Other race updates:
1. Giveaway: Long sleeve t-shirt, light blue. I met with our supplier and love the design, quality of the shirt.
2. Giveaway II: Hoping to deliver a Coolmax visor to each racer. I tried one supplier, but everything has to make its way to Sea Isle on a SLOW BOAT from China. That will not work. I still have high hopes for a cool visor!
3. Medals for Mettle: The race registration area in Sea Isle will have a table from This organization takes your old race medals, cleans them up, puts a new ribbon on it, and gives it to people fighting disease or other health related battles. Very cool idea and we are happy to extend an invitation to them-- if you have any medals you would like to donate, bring them to registration!
More to come...until then, See you in Sea Isle City!