Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Photos, Tri for Our Veterans II

I would say this photo says it all. Nice job, Athletes. You were fast, furious, and extremely patriotic.

Check out more photos like this at: http://picasaweb.google.com/seaisletriathlon

As for next year, we have already been invited back by the City of Sea Isle. Plans are already taking shape (crazy, right!)...and we plan on offering a duathlon alongside of our triathlon.

See you in Sea Isle City...2009!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Finshed...12 hours later

Yes, most of the racers finished 12 hours ago, but I needed a break before tonight's posting. After lunch, a 2 hour nap, dinner, and Rita's, I am finally able to type.

First, awesome job, racers. Check out the results by clicking HERE. We had very few problems, limited-minor injuries. Sea Isle's Beach Patrol rescued a few racers-- one person remarked that he had never did an ocean swim and was intimidated. The ocean was chilly, but calm.

Second, we raised almost $30,000 for our veterans' causes. This is really a tremendous feat for a first year event. THANK YOU! Besides raising a boatload of money, we also paid for the best timing service available (Go Piranha Sports), assembled a great racer bag (Polar Bottles), and handed out some outstanding prizes (iPOD, Swiss Army Watches, Gift Certificates).

Thirdly, we really pulled together the community of Sea isle City. I was shocked to see more than 120 volunteers show up for the meeting on Friday night-- only half of which had signed up before the meeting-- the others heard about it through word of mouth. People simply wanted to help our veterans-- THANK YOU! The City of Sea Isle was so supportive-- we just could not have done it without their support.

Lastly, I am working on a collage of photos. I will work to post them soon and you are free to download them (yes, free pics!).

I am exhausted-- went to bed at 1030 last night and up at 330. Most of the night, I did not sleep and woke up thinking about the race (I honestly counted bike racks 6 times in my head). Though tired, this is one of the most fulfilling experiences I have ever been apart of (behind my family events-- witnessing the birth of my 3 children, getting married, etc.). Thank you all for the many compliments-- we all did something special today-- we recognized the role of our military and its veterans, something every American should do. I know during my next race, I will surely recall the image of Team Semper Fi members crossing the finish line with a smile on their face as inspiration. Man, the Marines in Sea Isle are athletes-- they kicked butt out there today. Despite some of their injuries, they out kicked a majority of the age-group participants!
(Dan Lasko, I will be emailing you for swim tips-- your time was amazing).

Thank you all for reading this blog over the past few months, for supporting this race, and for keeping the Memorial in Memorial Day. You helped your fellow Americans today-- those brave souls who put on a uniform to protect our many freedoms. Thank you!

See you in Sea isle City...2009!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Live Report

Anyone check the weather from around the country? It is miserable...everywhere EXCEPT little ol' Sea Isle City.

Water temperature is 60 degrees and the ocean is a sheet of glass-- really, if the conditions hold until tomorrow, we are looking at very ideal swimming conditions for the ocean.

Transition area was set up yesterday and the racks were installed. The racks are numbered-- 1-18, 19-36....please rack your bike according to your bib number.

Bathroom situation: Always a key component to a race. We have a bathroom trailer IN the transition area (racers only) and Sea Isle has a bathroom facility right next to the transition area. Additionally, there are bathrooms just to the south (44th Street beach) and to the north (37th Street).

Tomorrow's weather report: Sunrise at 539AM, air temperature of 61 degrees at the start. High of 74 degrees. BOOYAH!

See you tonight at the packet pickup-- 4-830PM, Sea Isle's VFW.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008


As you might have noticed, I am a huge RFK fan. Teddy I respect & wish a speedy recovery. (He is not his brother [s]). Ted Kennedy did deliver one of my favorites speeches of all time, a eulogy of his brother, Robert. Two favorite lines I think about constantly, especially while planning this race:

"Few will have the greatness to bend history itself, but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation... Each time a man stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope..."


"Through no virtues and accomplishments of our own, we have been fortunate enough to be born in the United States under the most comfortable conditions. We, therefore, have a responsibility to others who are less well off."

If you are not racing this weekend, please come out and cheer on those who are, especially our military!

Weather Update, other tidbits

Weather update: Still looking great. Low of 54 degrees, high of 71. Folks, this is perfect weather for a triathlon. If we can keep the winds down, we are headed for a delightful day. The wind is usually a killer on a bike course, but I am not worried about that portion of the race. Sea Isle's bike course would probably be easy in the wind-- it is the swim course I would worry about and the swimmers bobbing up and down.

Sunrise: 5:39AM. This means the sun will be up and warming the air for a full 2 hours before you enter the water. NICE! This is welcomed news.

Parking: Remember, there is a free lot at 48th & Central. My advice is to get to Sea Isle early and park. I love my beach town, but this area is always a concern. When we go out to dinner, I am usuaully circling the block for 15-20 minutes. Keep in mind, if you think you will be finished the course in under 2 hours, or, if you have family cheering you on-- I would advise you to park at the meters. They are not "ON" until 10am and you can have your supporters feed the meter with quarters.

Packet Pick up: Get there early. VFW on Friday or Race Site on Saturday. We have 350+ preregistered and expect 20-30 walk up racers. The place will be hopping-- get there early!

My daughter Lila (AKA "Lulu") and I are headed down to Sea Isle tonight. Bike racks go in tomorrow, as well as the bathroom trailer. Race bag building party on Thursday night. Then Friday race fever kicks in (honestly, I already have it).

See you in Sea Isle City!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Race Food

Just picked up your post-race snacks. 500 bags of Herr's Whole Grain Pretzels. It is a good thing I live a mere 11 miles from the factory. These things are awesome! Acme, Wawa, and 7-11 provided the water. The Ocean Drive provided fruit and I am finalizing a plan for Rita's Water Ice to provide finishers a tasty treat-- Italian Ice.

Also, Hammer Nutrition gave us a ton of gel packs, so you will have one in your race packet. Awesome company-- and great product too!

We are ready for you!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

EXHAUSTED...but good news

What a weekend. I do have a life, other than being the Race Director for Sea Isle's triathlon. On Saturday, my daughters had their end of the year lacrosse tournament. First game-- 8:30...arrive by 8am...45 minutes away. Yes, your math is correct, me and my ladies (3 under 9 and their Mom) were up at the crack of dawn and on the road by 7am.

5 games later, we exited...3 wins, 2 losses. My girls did so well-- they each netted 2 goals and Caroline played tremendous defense. Emma's allergies were gone and she lit up the field with her speed. I was very proud...

Then Lila and I headed right to the shore. Lots to do:

*Deliver 15 cases of water bottles, registration packets, and prize packs
*Ran 8 miles on the beach, swam for 10 minutes in the bay (with a wetsuit, it is not cold!)
*Checked on Iron Granny (my mom...it is her 1st tri) and she will be great next week

Then, the tough part.

A storm swept in last week and really beat up the beach. We lost a lot of sand, but the race will be fine due to the low tide. My Sunday was busy with the Sea Isle Beach Patrol-- great bunch of guys. We went through the swim course and everything was confirmed. Then the tough part-- I jumped on a Sea Doo with one of the Lieutenants to mark the swim course with my GPS and drop the bouys (anchors-- flags go in on Fri/Sat). A rain storm blew in just as we started. Bumpy, wet and cold...but we got the job done. I did manage to drop my GPS in the water, but leapt in and grabbed it (it was in a Ziplock bag). No harm, no foul.

Man, am I exhausted.

Team Daddy & Lila will head back down on Wednesday night. On Thursday, a bunch of friends will help build the racers' bags. I will also assist with building the racks and finalizing the transition area.

Almost home. Anytime I get tired nowadays, I simply think of the extended tours of duty our troops now endure in Iraq and Afghanistan--- then I feel fine. Afterall, I only have experienced one bad day in Sea Isle my entire life!

See you in Sea Isle City!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Weather plays its part

Race day is one week away. The initial weather reports are coming in...drumroll...SUNNY AND 70!

So much planning has gone into this race, but you cannot order nice weather, especially not with my track record for making Sunday mass (give me a break-- I endured 16 years of Catholic school).
The water temperature continues to creep upward too. Current ocean temperature is 59 degrees. I am headed to Sea Isle this afternoon and will be swimming either today or tomorrow. Count on a 1st person report in the next 48 hours.
The water bottles were received today-- all 15 cases were shipped to my house (instead of the VFW in Sea Isle- YIKES). They are really sharp. T-shirts and beach bags arrive on Thursday morning and the race bags will be assembled on Thursday night. I have lured some friends into helping with some cold beers at the VFW. Let me know if you are thirsty!
Remember, if you still want to race, show up at the VFW in Sea Isle on Friday night and you will most likely get into the triathlon. Wait until race day and you are rolling the dice.
See you in Sea Isle City!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Water temperature on the rise

9 days until the race...a few updates:

Weather report: Initial reports from AccuWeather call for sunny, 71 degrees. PERFECT!

Water temperature: Nasty storm last week, but water temperature is rising. A balmy 59 today, should get to 63 by race day. Does anyone know how to boil the ocean? Honestly, for the 1/4 mile swim, you won't even feel it. I was in a race two weeks ago and the lake was 66 degrees. It felt fine (I did have a short wetsuit on).

Registration: A number of emails about this topic-- yes, we did close the online registration. If you show up on Friday night at the VFW in Sea Isle, 4-830PM, you will most likely get in. On race day-- rolling the dice.

Check in & Packet pick up: Bring a photo ID! If you are a USAT Member, bring your MEMBERSHIP CARD.

Race day essentials: Helmet, swim goggles, towel, sunglasses.

Athletes' Guide to the triathlon: Click HERE.

See you in Sea isle City!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

SOLD OUT...but...

Tri for Our Veterans is sold out; online registration was shut off at midnight on Friday, May 9th. THANK YOU! We are on our way to make a significant donation to our two veterans' causes-- The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund and Sea Isle's new Veterans' Memorial Fountain.

There will be a limited number of slots available on Friday, May 23rd and Saturday, May 24th (Race Day). These slots, between 10-20, will be first come, first served. Racers will receive a race t-shirt, but all other items are sold out. Come early and register if you want your spot-- Sea Isle's VFW on 5/23 and the Transition Area (JFK Blvd. & Pleasure Ave) on Race Day.

We have more than 370 racers lined up for Sea Isle's Triathlon, Tri for Our Veterans; the Military Division is comprised of more than 10% of the field. Very exciting! If you are racing, please be sure to download the Athelete's Guide by CLICKING HERE.

See you in Sea Isle City....in just two weeks...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Online Registration Closes Tonight

Well, we have a SELL OUT on hand. We have cracked 350 racers and it has been decided to pull the online registration early. It closes tonight, midnight.

There will be 10-20 slots available on May 23 and May 24 (raceday). These slots are 1st come, 1st served. These racers will receive a race t-shirt, but we are out of water bottles and beach bags. If interested, come to the VFW in Sea Isle on 5/23 (4-830PM) or 40th & Pleasure (Transition Area) to register. No guarantees, so come as early as possible.

Why 350? As a racer, I always appreciate a quality race course. I have been to some triathlons and the race director clearly did not think about the athletes. If you see hair-pin turns on the bike course (especially 180 degree turns), cheap giveaways or t-shirts, and warm water at the finish line-- you know the race director could care less about you, the athlete. This is a first year event and I want a shot to host this triathlon in Sea Isle next year. Without the strong support and the recommendation from athletes, we will not have that opportunity next year.

So, I want to make sure we deliver on quality. The streets are closed for the bike course, but will be lined with parked cars, which will make the bike course narrow (it is Memorial Day weekend, afterall, and it seems as though all of Philadelphia migrates to the Shore for the weekend). 350 racers will fit, but I am not sure about 400-500. Same idea with the transition area, which I believe could hold 600 racers-- but I want to walk before I run-- so we limited it to 350.

Last call, folks, if you want in, you have two options-- sign up tonight before midnight, or take your chance and sign up onsite-- but show up early!

Very excited to welcome almost 50 entrants to the Military Division-- almost 15% of the race will be in this group!! If you are coming to cheer on the racers, be sure to wear your red, white, and blue!

See you in Sea Isle City...

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

SELL OUT expected by the weekend

Sell out. wow. I am very excited to announce we will most likely close online registration this weekend due to a high volume of racers signing up in April-May.

We will donate more than $20,000 to our two veterans' causes. Very cool. I am hoping to hit the magic number of $25,000. We'll see.

Less than 20 spots left. We will probably allocate 12 slots for race day-- first come, first served. No water bottle or beach bag, but a very cool t-shirt.

Currently, we have more than 325 racers lined up for the triathlon. The Military Division constitutes more than 10% of the registration list. OOHRAH!

See you in Sea Isle City...

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Down to 22 slots...18 days...


We now have 19 days until race day. Over 320 folks have registered for the race and it looks like we will shut down the online registration early. 350 sounds like a nice, round number. Plus, there is still a lot of operational work to be completed.

I am toying with an idea to auction off 12 race day entries, but I don't know-- sounds like too much work on the day of the race-- when there is plenty of work to be done.

Anyhow-- spread the word, we are closing up shop soon...

If you are racing, CLICK HERE for the Athletes' Guide. It should answer all of your questions about the race.


Sunday, May 4, 2008

Rest in Peace, SGT German

AP STORY: A Marine sergeant who became a symbol of resilience as he strove to recover from a roadside bomb blast in Iraq that blanketed 97 percent of his body with burns has died, the Defense Department said. He was 22.

Sgt. Merlin German died April 11 at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, where he was continuing treatment for the injuries he suffered in combat on Feb. 22, 2005, the Pentagon said Thursday.

The former turret gunner was dubbed the "Miracle Man" for his determination in facing his wounds, which cost the former saxophone player his fingers and rippled his face with scars. He endured more than 40 surgeries, spent 17 months in a hospital and had to learn to walk again.

Meanwhile, he started a charity, Merlin's Miracles, to aid child burn victims and considered college and a career.
"Sometimes I do think I can't do it," he told The Associated Press last year. "Then I think: Why not? I can do whatever I want. ... Nobody has ever been 97 percent dead and survived, and lived to walk."

Born in New York City, German moved to its suburbs as a teenager. He enlisted in the Marine Corps in September 2003, according to his charity's Web site. He was medically retired four years later, the Defense Department said.

German had been stationed at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger announced that the state Capitol's flags would be flown at half-staff in German's honor, saying the sergeant's "courage and unfailing loyalty serve as an inspiration to Americans everywhere."

Personal note: May God Bless you, SGT German. What an inspiration-- 97% dead and this 22 year old survives, walks again, and starts a foundation for others. Life is for the living....

Friday, May 2, 2008

39 spots left..REGISTER NOW if you want to race

Very exciting stuff happening with the race. For one, our sponsors have greatly expanded and we now count a number of new companies as sponsors for Sea Isle City's summer triathlon-- Tri for Our Veterans. South Jersey Gas, Kix-McNutley, The Lobster Loft, and The Commodore Club. Very cool.

Secondly, we are now projecting a total amount of $25,000 to be split between our two organizations-- The Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund and Sea Isle's VFW project to rebuild the town/s Veterans' Memorial. This is beyond my wildest expectation-- I was hoping to raise a total of $15,000.

Thirdly, we only have 41 spots left in the race. I decided to cut the registration off at 350 and expect to sell out by the time the race goes off. 350...huh, I can remember cracking 20 and getting excited! Thank you, to all who have registered. For a race to hit these numbers in its 1st year is amazing-- it just doesn't happen. THANK YOU RACERS! Click HERE to register.

Finally, we have posted the Athletes' Guide for the race. Click HERE to review the guide. It has some very, very important information, including maps, schedule of events, parking, and check in procedures for racers.

Again, thank you for reading my blog, for racing and for helping out our veterans! See you in Sea Isle City!